1. What Can Feed ReaderX Do?
A powerful RSS reader that helps you easily subscribe to and read various news, blogs, and other information sources:
- [Import OPML] Supports direct import of local or online OPML files.
- [Subscription Groups] Allows creation of subscription groups and adding, deleting, and editing RSS sources within groups.
- [VIP - Voice Reading Aloud] Reads aloud content from RSS sources, supporting multiple voices and languages.
Suitable for different demographics, providing convenience and enjoyment for young people, children, and the elderly.
2. How to Create a Subscription Group?
- Click “Create subs Group” / “Import OPML”.
- Enter your desired “Subscription Group Name” or directly fill in the online address of the OPML file, or import an OPML file from your local storage.
- Click “Create” to complete the operation.
3. How to Delete a Subscription Group?
Please note: Deleting a subscription group will also delete all RSS sources within that group.
- Method 1: Click “Delete subs Group” and confirm in the pop-up dialog. It will delete all subs groups.
- Method 2: Click the “More” button next to the subscription group you want to delete and select “Delete Subs Group” from the pop-up menu. It will only delete the subs group you selected.
4. How to Add a New RSS Source?
- Find the “Subscription Group” where you want to add an RSS source.
- Click the “More” button next to that “Subscription Group” and select “Add RSS Source” from the pop-up menu.
- Enter the relevant RSS source URL information, then click “Create”.
5. How to Edit/Delete a Rss Source?
- Select the RSS source you want to edit or delete within the corresponding subscription group.
- Click the “Edit” button next to the RSS source to open the editing page and modify the RSS source URL information.
- Click “Modify” to save changes, or click “Delete” to remove the source.
6. How to Resync the Rss Sources?
- Method 1: Click “Sync subs” to synchronize all “Sources” of all subscription groups.
- Method 2: Double-click a specific RSS source under the “Subscription Group” to only synchronize that source's information.
7. How to Mark All Sources as Read?
Click “Mark All as Read” to clear the unread status of all sources.
8. [VIP] How to Voice Read Aloud RSS?
In the body of the RSS content, click the “Play” button to directly add it to the playlist and immediately play that entry.
9. [VIP] How to Choose a Voice Speaker?
Important Notice: Different speakers support different languages, so you need to choose a speaker that matches the language.
For example: If the RSS text content is primarily in English, you need to select a English speaker.
- In settings, select “Select Voice” to choose different speakers.
10. [VIP] How to View Read Content from the Voice Playlist?
Click “Voice Playlist” and in the expanded playlist, click to view the read content.
11. How to Give Us Feedback?